Thursday, May 22, 2008

Finding Jessica

My staff and I are fans of and blogger Jessica Valenti. My co-worker made a wish to the brightest star during a recent conversation, "I wish I had Jessica's new book to take with me on the beach during my vacation."

Of course! I'll run down and get her Jessica's new book before she leaves on vacation and it'll be an early birthday present. Little did I know finding He's a stud, she's a slut and 49 other double standards every woman should know would be so difficult.

Walking into B&N, I was under the assumption that when I said her name, everyone would know what I was talking about. As I was directed to the small five tierd shelf of women's studies and feminism books...while being cut off by my daughters running to the kids/pre-teens section...her new book wasn't there. And why are there so few books on the subject? So after negiotiating with my kids to only get one book a piece, we headed to the next bookstore.

Once again no "He's a stud, she's a slut..." only this time the women's study/feminism section was only two shelves and in the corner. Hmmm, the shelves for feminism related books are getting smaller.

On to the next family owned bookstore, no Valenti books at all this time. In my frustration of not finding this new book, I may be the only person in the city asking for it. Surely that's not right.

I finally found the Norman. So 60 miles later, AB has her book and I have an increased appreciation for Jessica and her writings on feminism...and all books related to empowering women. Oklahoma women take notice, our bookshelves are getting smaller...maybe Jessica needs to visit us soon.

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